The tariff is available when booking from 3 to 4 nights of stay. The fare includes accommodation in your chosen room category, Wi-Fi, barbecue area. Check the parking space with the administrator.
The tariff is available when booking from 5 to 6 nights of stay. The fare includes accommodation in your chosen room category, Wi-Fi, barbecue area. Check the parking space with the administrator.
The tariff is available when booking from 7 to 9 nights of stay. The fare includes accommodation in your chosen room category, Wi-Fi, barbecue area. Check the parking space with the administrator.
The tariff is available when booking from 10 days of stay. In case of early booking for a month or more, an additional discount of 5% is provided. The fare includes accommodation in your chosen room category, Wi-Fi, barbecue area. Please coordinate the parking space with the administrator in advance.